About Me

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San Luis Obispo, CA, United States
Bringing fitness to you. LC has been in the fitness industry for over 10 years as a certified personal trainer and group exercise instructor and loves seeing people reach their fitness goals. Available to answer fitness questions online anytime.


My Take on Toning Shoes

i have a pair of knock-off toning shoes that i absolutely have fallen in love with. People ask me all the time if they are MBTs or Sketchers, nope, just Aspire. I only paid $40.00 for them as opposed to $75 to $300, so that was the first thing that excited me. I tried them on originally just to see what they felt like so i may be better able to explain to clients and class participants my thoughts on the shoes. As i walked around the store, i loved the way the shoes seemed to help put me in proper posture and the rolling motion i felt as i walked. I have been wearing them regularly for over 2 weeks and still love them as much as the day i bought them. I have foot problems, well just a sore joint (really) in my left foot up near my big toe which means no running for me for a while. i had issues with the pain flaring up sometimes when i walked a lot or stood on my feet all day, as well. My toning shoes have been combating that issue for me. Many say they have sore muscles after wearing them for a while, particularly in their glutes (butt) and hamstrings (back of the thigh) which i have not noticed but assume it's because i'm quite strong already. I'm still not sure about how much they will actually "tone" your body, but for comfort, ease of walking, and enjoyment, i highly recommend them.



Back to Fit Blogging!

With so much life brought on, i decided to focus only on Twitter and Facebook for LC Fitness and wasn't providing much commentary in the land of Fit Blogs. I'm back in action, another year older, another day wiser, and just 364 days away from 40 to provide fit tips at large! Those it's a new year for me, being that my birthday was yesterday, I believe a new year can begin at any time for anybody. You choose when you want to change your life, do something different, try something new, get fit, get lean, be strong, lose weight, quit smoking, whatever floats your boat! Looking forward to many more fit years!