About Me

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San Luis Obispo, CA, United States
Bringing fitness to you. LC has been in the fitness industry for over 10 years as a certified personal trainer and group exercise instructor and loves seeing people reach their fitness goals. Available to answer fitness questions online anytime.


Hard to stay hydrated when you're cold?

Harder to Hydrate When it’s cold…
Many have told me they have a tougher time getting the required amount of water when it’s cold outside. I’m prone to this myself. One thing I’ve found that helps me is heating up water and drinking it hot. I've also noticed when I log how much water I drink in a day I’m more determined to get the right amount.

Start with this… take your weight, divide it by 2; whatever number you come up with drink that amount of water each day in ounces. Steer clear of counting other fluids, just track your water intake. If you’re feeling hungry, drink some water while you’re preparing your meal or just drink some water. Lots of times the feeling of hunger is actually trying to tell you you’re thirsty.

Pop by this blog post, looking at water sometimes makes you want to drink water! If you have some helpful water tips, please share them. Anything that helps us stay hydrated is a good thing!



Holiday Freeness! :)

So, you're poppin' by my blog looking for free fitness stuff? You got it... when you sign up to be on my email list not only will you receive free fit tips periodically, you'll receive a link to a site where you can freely track your nutrition and fitness. Why am i giving this away? well, let's just say i'm in the holiday spirit of giving and i'm not really quite sure how to purchase and send gifts to all those i love on Twitter and Facebook. If you utilize the logging of nutrition and fitness for 7 days straight during the month of December, you will also receive a fitness notebook of some handy dandy strength training exercises to do with no equipment whatsoever. Enjoy the gift of fitness this season and feel free to pass the word along while i'm still in a giving mood. I'm sure my mood will stay the same at least until December 31st at 11:59pm PST, then who know! ;). Happy Holidays!



Sallie Meander in the Rain

kinda wish i could dress up like this little guy/gal and go running and climbing in the rain. It looks exhausted, though after climbing up on our porch. I'm planning on running up a muddy, mucky hill this afternoon and questioning my sanity. It's cold, it's wet, it's raining. When the weather is bad, what do you do for your fitness? do you hit the hills outside or stay inside? I'm a bit of both kind of gal. I'll teach my group exercise classes indoors where it's dry and get outside for some sort of walk or run. Am i crazy? You be the judge!



Burning Calories playing with the Pups

How do you incorporate fitness into your daily routine? Does it require a lot of thinking?

Recently my youngest dog has become interested in the game of fetch. Typically i kick the ball rather than throwing it. I have a ball for each dog, they're called holy rollers, great durable, kickable toys they are. My point being that i'm finding that since i'm moving so fast to get the timing right kicking the balls for each dog, not only are my heart and lungs pumping a bit faster now i'm getting a bit of a butt workout from kicking (okay, glute workout, whatever) ;). I love being able to incorporate fitness into every day activities, especially when i don't try.

How about you? Any creative ideas for you that popped up out of nowhere like in backyard play?
