About Me

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San Luis Obispo, CA, United States
Bringing fitness to you. LC has been in the fitness industry for over 10 years as a certified personal trainer and group exercise instructor and loves seeing people reach their fitness goals. Available to answer fitness questions online anytime.


Traffic + Bob Harper + Yoga = zero stress

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009 I was graciously invited to a yoga session with Bob Harper, trainer on the Biggest Loser, by Go With the Grain. The nearly 5 hour drive was grueling and I arrived late.

Okay, so I know you know who Bob Harper is, and let me say that it was amazing to meet him and have him teach us a yoga class, but do you know about Go With The Grain? Speaking from a woman who loves her carbs, me... let me give you a little insight: Grain Foods Foundation is a nonprofit organization. They have dedicated themselves to advancing the public's understanding of the important role grain-based foods play in a healthful diet. Check out their website: http://www.gowiththegrain.org/ filled with nutritional information, tips, and recipes and... oh, how could i forget... a chance to win a personal training session with Bob Harper in Los Angeles!!

Back to Bob and yoga… First, I suck at yoga, so I was extremely nervous to take a lesson from Bob. He schooled me! No joke! I was shaking like a leaf holding the poses and hanging on for dear life with my toes and core. Bob walked around the room and made sure our body alignment was proper and reminded us not to be perfectionists but to learn form through listening to our bodies rather than looking at mirrors (there were no mirrors, by the way).Once we were finished with the tough work, we got to relax. Between the music that Bob chose to play, the sound of his voice, the way he cares about the people he’s teaching, it made the drive back home in the 100 degree heat seem fabulous.

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