About Me

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San Luis Obispo, CA, United States
Bringing fitness to you. LC has been in the fitness industry for over 10 years as a certified personal trainer and group exercise instructor and loves seeing people reach their fitness goals. Available to answer fitness questions online anytime.


Fun Family Fitness Ideas

Recently I've been getting questions about how to get children to exercise. A great way is to make it a family affair. If you click on the title of this blog, it will send you to a link of an article on my webpage with family fitness ideas.



Talk Test Accurately Measures Exercise Intensity

Basically, if you can carry on a light conversation while exercising, then you are in a good intensity range. Once your speech starts to break, slow, or cause discomfort, you’re working too hard.




Need someone to help keep you on track with your fitness? It really does help to be held accountable whether it be to a friend, coach, or personal trainer.


Some Core Exercises

A handful of core exercises listed at this link:



Really, Personal Training...

There are many different places to find fitness information on the web, but what's correct and what's not, and what plan works for you? That's where online personal training comes in. Let's work together and come up with a plan that best suits your needs and wants. Online personal training is inexpensive, but still personal. If you enjoy researching training tips in magazines, books, and on the web, then by all means go to it! I'm happy to work with what you and I both have to help you find what works for you, not just a boiler plate program, come see me on the web and let me know how i can help you.



LC Fitness Fundraising Fit Party

LC Fitness is planning a fundraising fitness party to benefit Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Just getting started, but really excited about it. More details (which may change a bit, feel free to check back)...


Fitness Parties

LC Fitness Fitness Parties

Hosting a fitness party is a great healthy alternative to a cocktail party where alcohol takes center stage. With some imagination and a group of friends who want to be fit, you’ll burn calories and have a terrific social gathering at the same time!



Keep Fruits and Veggies Fresh

There are several tips that will help you keep your fruits and veggies fresh, just look here:


Tips to Stay Full Longer

Fending off hunger and staying full longer are daunting tasks. To fend off hunger try an 8oz. glass of water before your meal and/or chewing gum while preparing or waiting for food. For Staying Full Tips go to:


Dodging the Exercise Roller Coaster

Do you ever have trouble sticking with an exercise routine? Try combining exercise with other goals or taking exercise out of the gym.

For more, go here:


Burn Those Calories

Wondering how many calories you burn or how to burn more? Find helpful suggestions at this link: http://slolcfitness.com/page.aspx?pageid=f924ab71-d6d3-4300-8bd2-3b58bbda7f15


Seated Stretching Routine

Help reduce stress by incorporated some stretches into your work routine each day.



Energy Boosts at Work

Looking for some hints on how to stay energized at work?

Here's a start:
-Park further from the office to give yourself some walk time before beginning your work day.
-Hide healthy snacks in your desk drawer or bag for that food pick me up whenever you need it.

for more, go to: http://www.slolcfitness.com/page.aspx?pageid=341b6f39-f28b-4547-9c43-8213c7ecd48f


Compare LC Fitness with other methods to get fit

How does LCfitness compare with other other methods of getting in shape?

We bring fitness home to you with simple lifestyle changes, accountability, motivation, and fun to name a few.

LC fitness makes large contributions to non-profits

LC Fitness is dedicated to giving back. We consistently donate to non-profit organizations and provide services for a variety of events and fundraising efforts. Currently the main focus is with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to which LC Fitness donated $2500.00 last quarter. To find out more, visit the following website:



Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

a simple fit tip... best one for summer! Hydrate!

Take your body weight & divide that number by 2... whatever that number is at oz. and drink that much water each day.

Example: 128/2 = 64oz. :) any questions?



Fitness at you Fingertips

LC Fitness provides online personal training, coaching and evaluations. You don't have to have any equipment or any previous exercise experience. That's what we're here for! LC Fitness sets up a program tailored to your needs with regard to time, fitness level, and fun. Feel free to contact us at anytime! Here's our website information: www.sloLCfitness.com