About Me

- LC
- San Luis Obispo, CA, United States
- Bringing fitness to you. LC has been in the fitness industry for over 10 years as a certified personal trainer and group exercise instructor and loves seeing people reach their fitness goals. Available to answer fitness questions online anytime.
Round out your fitness routine with Stretching
Form Shmorm
Traffic + Bob Harper + Yoga = zero stress
Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009 I was graciously invited to a yoga session with Bob Harper, trainer on the Biggest Loser, by Go With the Grain. The nearly 5 hour drive was grueling and I arrived late.
Okay, so I know you know who Bob Harper is, and let me say that it was amazing to meet him and have him teach us a yoga class, but do you know about Go With The Grain? Speaking from a woman who loves her carbs, me... let me give you a little insight: Grain Foods Foundation is a nonprofit organization. They have dedicated themselves to advancing the public's understanding of the important role grain-based foods play in a healthful diet. Check out their website: http://www.gowiththegrain.org/ filled with nutritional information, tips, and recipes and... oh, how could i forget... a chance to win a personal training session with Bob Harper in Los Angeles!!
Are you flexible with your fitness regime?
Online Training? How does that work?
Motivation and Sticktoitiveness
Cream of Celery Soup
Warm up!
Cooling Down is a key part of any Cardio Routine
ground turkey and spinach enchiladas
1 pound ground turkey
1 cup salsa
1 cup trader joe's spinach dip
1/2 bag fresh spinach (like 1/2 a produce plastic bag) ;)
cumin to taste
1 cup salsa (i used garlic lovers by safeway/vons/pavillions)
2 fresh tomatoes diced
1 green chile diced
1 cup mexican shredded cheese
brown ground turkey in pan, add spinach, salsa, spinach and cumin. keep over medium heat on stove 5 more min. remove from heat. stir in spinach dip.
spray a baking dish with non stick spray. preheat oven to 350. use 1/5 of ground turkey mix for each tortilla. roll tortilla with mix in it, place in pan with fold down. bake for 20 minutes. after 20 minutes cover with 1 cup salsa, diced tomato and green chile and shredded cheese. put back in oven for 5 to 10 more minutes. serve with black beans and guacamole.
Don't have time to work out?
Feel Good: Combine Fitness and Fundraising
How do I Get Started?
9/9/9 9 exercises, 9 times, 999 seconds
9/9/9... try this on for size, 9 squats, 9 seconds rest, 9 wall push-ups, 9 seconds rest, (fill in the sequence with right leg lunges, left leg lunges, tricep dips, bicep curls, crunches, reverse crunches, oblique crunch right, oblique crunch left, swim move, until approximately 999 seconds, any questions let me know!
Recovering from a Three Day Weekend
What Does "Toning" Really Mean?
You can't actually build muscle mass unless you're eating more calories than you're burning, but you can tone a muscle to make it leaner."
i snagged this information from part of an article posted: http://www.jillianmichaels.com/ you know, jillian michaels, one of the trainers on the biggest loser... she has an online training program too, and provides great info. I went to her site and receive the free emails... Go check it out... if you sign up for her training program instead of mine, i'm cool with that! In fact, I'd love it if you tell me how it goes for you! Thanks. :)
Soreness vs. Injury
How to begin a fitness program fit-for-you
Want to get fit and stay fit? Wondering where to begin? LC Fitness provides many fit tips and ideas for free through our website, blog, and Facebook page. Online fitness at your fingertips is also available averaging just $15.00 per month to hook you up with all the fit tips you desire, answers to frequently asked questions, a fit-for-you fitness program, as well as accountability to help you achieve your fitness goals. For a free online consultation, click "Contact Me" on my website .
The Ultimate Fitness Formula | Active.com
The Ultimate Fitness Formula | Active.com
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Strength Train without Weights