About Me

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San Luis Obispo, CA, United States
Bringing fitness to you. LC has been in the fitness industry for over 10 years as a certified personal trainer and group exercise instructor and loves seeing people reach their fitness goals. Available to answer fitness questions online anytime.


Recovering from a Three Day Weekend

Being the owner of LC Fitness and a personal trainer means i should be a good example. Sometimes i am a better example of being human than being healthy. This weekend i ate poorly, was lazy, and so on and so on... However, I know that i can start over again, ignore the bad behavior and start anew. I'm asking if you do the same, at anytime, just refocus and rebegin. We all have slip ups in life and especially health and fitness, but that doesn't mean it negates all of our previous work. It means erase the chalkboard, right a new plan for the day, and GO!

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